
So, Call Me Maybe

p>  操場上,各位美女都縱情綻放本身的魅力,表示出本身最最敬愛動聽的一麵。

鹿晗心中不由出現淡淡的心傷,為台上這個冷酷,有無數哀痛回想的女孩肉痛。這一刻,他是多麼想將她湧進懷裡,給她暖和,奉告她,今後今後,她不在是一小我,她不在孤傲。 統統的比賽都已經結束,接下來到了全校同窗投票環節。

try to chase me


So, Call Me Maybe

and all the other boys

Where d’ you think you’re going baby?

at you baby

Hey I just met you

Ripped jeans – skin was showing

try to chase me

But still you’re in my way

I beg and borrow and steal

But it’s in my way


at you baby!

and all the other boys

So, Call Me Maybe

and this is crazy


Pennies and dimes – for a kiss

and this is crazy

But here’s my number


Boy you came into my life