繁體中文小說 - 玄幻奇幻 - 拓兒的初中生活 - 第四十五章



“this。。。 nanxi, do you really want to return to school? the teacher is very good for you, if you continue to read here, the future will be promising。 do you really think so?(這個…南溪,你真的要返國就讀嗎?教員非常看好你,如果你持續在這裡讀,前程必然會很有但願的。你真的考慮好了嗎?)”對方的語氣有點焦急了。

紛繁好少哦,但願大師多存眷我!very much thank。


“no thanks, bye bye, i have things to do。(不消謝,拜拜,我另有事。)”

“oh, well, now that you have decided, that i have not what can stop you。 nanxi, teachers hope that you can continue your achieveese don't give up halfway, but do not live up to u。 i'll help you do the thing you said, it just takes a little time, you're not in a hurry?(哦,那好吧,既然你已經決定了,那我也冇甚麼能夠阻擾你的。南溪,教員但願你能夠在中國持續你的成績,不要半途而廢,更不要孤負我對你的希冀。你說的那件事我會去幫你辦的,不過需求一點時候,你不急吧?)”對方談了口氣,不過還是很直率的。

“i want to ask for your help, i want to put adian student to o, i want to stay with my parents。 the teacher, can