第14章 謊言天堂[第2頁/共8頁]
“They are so hateful that they attacked those lovely animals and destroyed the forest!(他們真是太可愛了,竟然對那些敬愛的小植物們動手,還毀了叢林!)”被稱為老闆的男人一臉痛心腸道。
看到已經拋棄了前麵的差人,東方男人鬆了一口氣道:“Well, stop the car. Thank you so much!(好了,把車停下吧,方纔真是感謝你們了!)”東方男人道。
“Who are you?(你們是誰?)”東方男人一臉茫然隧道。
“How did you lose it?(你是如何落空它的?)”東方男人獵奇隧道。
“OK, you talk first, and it will be ready soon!(好的,你們先聊,頓時就好!)”尼婭答覆道。
“You are worthy of being the general manager. How rich you are!(不愧是總經理,你好有錢哪!)”東方男人望著宅院驚呼道。
“They robbed my pany and killed my parents. Isn't that bad?(他們搶了我的公司,殺了我的父母,莫非這還不算壞嗎?)”普尼爾麵帶喜色地反問道。
“Can you lend me a look? I must see the man clearly, or I can't find him!(能借我看看嗎?我必須看清這小我的長相,不然我冇法找到他!)”普尼爾望著東方男人淺笑道。
“Are they as bad as the hunters?(他們也和那些獵人一樣壞嗎?)”聽普尼爾這麼說,東方男人衝動隧道。
“Alas, you don't know. My father left me more than that. It's just a drop in the bucket!(唉,你是不曉得啊,父親給我留下的財產不止是這些,這裡隻是九牛一毛罷了!)”普尼爾有些失落隧道。