第3章 爬樹[第3頁/共8頁]
“Do they all have their own names?(它們都有本身的名字嗎?)”森迪獵奇隧道。
“Sorry to wake you up!(把你吵醒了對不起!)”獸皮男人客氣隧道。
“Yes, they are a group of bad people. They do all kinds of evil. Many of my animal friends died of people like them, so I hate them!(對,他們是一群好人,他們無惡不做,我有很多植物朋友都死於他們如許的人,以是我恨透了他們!)”獸皮男人道。
“My name is Sandy. What's your name?(我叫森迪,你叫甚麼名字?)”森迪問道。
“Yes, I don't remember anything!(對,我甚麼都不記得了!)”獸皮男人道。
“Well, that sounds like a real hassle!(好吧,聽上去這確切是件費事事!)”森迪道。
“Why don't you choose to leave here?(為甚麼你不挑選分開這裡?)”男孩道。
“Take your time, you will surely remember, just like you just told me that you can't worry about climbing trees!(漸漸來,你必然會想起來的,就像方纔你奉告我爬樹不能焦急一樣!)”森迪淺笑道。