第52章 攔路殺[第1頁/共8頁]
“Young master, in fact, we came to see your father today on behalf of someone else. Even your father may be afraid to reveal the identity of that person.(公子,實在明天我們來找你父親是受人之托,那人的身份說出來隻怕連你父親也會顧忌三分。)”格雷格道。
“Originally, you played so many tricks to meet my father. My father is not an ordinary person, not someone who wants to see him.(本來你玩了那麼多花腔是為了見我父親,我父親可不是普通人,不是誰想見就能見的。)”風衣男人道。
“Mark, you don't know that every state in the United States has been frequently damaged recently?(馬克老邁,比來美國各州都幾次遭到粉碎,你不會不曉得吧?)”格雷格道。
“You're right, that's what they think!(你猜的冇錯,他們就是這麼想的!)”就在這時,俄然殺出一群人。
“Please don't blame me, young master. It's not that I'm trying to deceive you. Since I promised not to reveal his identity to others, I must do so.(請公子莫怪,並非我故弄玄虛,既然承諾過不會向外流露他的身份,那麼我就必必要做到。)”格雷格道。
“Tell me quickly, how did you do it?(快奉告我,你是如何做到的?)”風衣男人衝動隧道。